CCW Workshops
Sheriff Kandy Fatheree and County Prosecutor Elliot Kolkovich partnered to host this series of CCW Workshops throughout the county. During the Workshop, Assistant Prosecutors will educate attendees on topics such as concealed carry, stand your ground, castle doctrine, and other laws that affect gun owners, as well as what recent changes to concealed carry laws mean for gun owners and law enforcement, and Sheriff Fatheree will provide a basic gun safety primer to attendees on best practices to safely store, handle, and use their weapon. At the end of the Workshop attendees will receive a complimentary gun lock from the Sheriff’s Office.
Due to space limitations CCW Workshop attendees must sign up in advance here:
Hudson CCW Workshop (3/26/2025)
**Please note this is not a CCW license course and does not satisfy the requirements to obtain a CCW license. It is a free public service informational workshop**