Beginning on Friday, May 1, 2020, the Summit County Sheriff’s Office will conduct the sale of all real estate subject to foreclosure on the new Sheriff’s Sale Website, which is operated by RealAuction, based on a contract with the Ohio Department of Administrative Services. The process and procedures under which these sales will be completed are detailed on this new website. All prospective bidders should familiarize themselves with this new process. Click here to learn more about this change.
Sheriff Sales are governed by the Common Pleas Court and the Ohio Revised Code. The Sheriff has no control over these rules or laws. All revenue generated from Sheriff’s real estate sales goes into the County’s General Fund.
You can check the list of properties set for sale and exact sale dates here:
SEARCH Sheriff Sales & Results
The sale list is automatically updated with any cancellation orders that are received at the Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Sales are advertised in the Akron Legal News once a week for 3 consecutive weeks, with the first ad printed at least 21 days prior to the Sale Date. The Sheriff's Office does not mail or provide any list of properties or other information about purchasing foreclosed property.
All Sheriff Sales occur on our RealAuction Website.
MORTGAGE SALES are held on Fridays at 10:00am.
DELINQUENT TAX SALES are held on Tuesdays at 10:00am.
Each property is appraised by three appraisers. It is based on the current Summit County Fiscal Office-Auditor’s tax-assessed value, a drive-by, and comparable sales in the area of the property. This appraisal DOES NOT include an interior examination of the premises. Starting bid is 2/3 of the appraised value and the sale goes to the highest bidder.
Purchaser Responsibility
Properties are sold SIGHT UNSEEN and are not open for inspection at any time. The Sheriff’s Office does not know the conditions of the titles or properties. The Sheriff's Office does not have keys to properties and cannot allow you inside either before or after the sale. Prospective purchasers can only view the property from the public roadway. Many homes are still occupied by the defendant(s) or tenant(s). The buyer receives the property "as is," Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware). ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
All buyers should be advised that all liens and mortgages not resolved by the sale monies of each property may become the responsibility of the buyer. It is the responsibility of the buyer to check the property for back taxes, delinquent utility bills, liens, and/or any additional costs associated with the property. Research should be conducted through the following:
- The Summit County Clerk of Courts Website or File Room to ascertain lien information.
- The Summit County Fiscal Office Website for amount of real estate taxes that are due.
- Federal Court for federal liens that are pending.
In order to bid on a Sheriff Sale property, you must be registered on the Sheriff’s RealAuction website, obtain your bidder number, and submit the deposit by the deadline requirement prior to the sale. The purchaser will be responsible for the costs, allowances, and taxes that the proceeds of the sale do not cover.
The purchaser will be responsible to check the property for back taxes, delinquent utility bills, liens, and/or any additional costs associated with the property. Buyers who purchase property from Sheriff’s Sales are obligated to complete the sale, or forfeit their deposit. The balance of the purchase price is due 30 days from the filing date of the Confirmation of Sale (court order). Purchasers failing to provide the balance due within those 30 days are at risk of having Contempt Proceedings initiated and the deposit forfeited.
Attorney Responsibility
The attorney’s office representing the foreclosing bank will have to prepare a Confirmation of Sale (court order) and submit it to a Judge within 30 days of the Sale Date. After the court approves the Confirmation of Sale, the attorney must send a Deed Packet to the Sheriff for review within seven days after Confirmation of Sale is filed. This Deed Packet is to include the prepared Deed, copy of filed Confirmation of Sale, and a completed Conveyance form. The Confirmation of Sale will instruct the Sheriff’s Office on how to distribute the purchase price monies.
If someone continues to occupy a property or belongings are left in the property, the purchaser will have to file a Writ of Possession (WOP) through the Summit County Clerk of Courts in order to take possession of the property. The property is not yours until the deed is in your name.
DEPOSITS: The deposit amount for each case is listed on the Sheriff’s Website and on our RealAuction website. You can also print the Sale List from our website to view these amounts.
Mortgage Sale deposits are pre-set based on the APPRAISED VALUE AMOUNT. Effective May 1, 2020, pursuant to R.C. 2329.211, in every sale of real estate, the bidder shall be required to make a deposit by Wire Transfer or ACH Debit to the Sheriff’s Office RealAuction website in amounts as follows:
i. For Residential Properties: $2,000, if Appraised Value is $10,000 or less $5,000, if Appraised Value is more than $10,000, but less than or equal to $200,000 $10,000, if Appraised Value is more than $200,000
ii. If the Judgment Creditor is the purchaser at the sale of a residential property, they shall not be required to make a sale deposit. All other purchasers shall make a sale deposit as listed above.
iii. For Commercial Properties: The purchaser at the sale shall make a deposit pursuant to the requirements, if any, established for the sale by way of Court Order. If no requirements have been established by Court Order, then the deposit for Commercial Properties will follow the rules for deposit for Residential Properties.
iv. Terms of Sale – Deposits: Minimum deposits ($2,000/$5,000/$10,000 are set by law) must be made at RealAuction prior to bidding. Wire Transfer Deposits must be received by 5:00pm TWO business days BEFORE the Friday auction. ACH Debit Deposits must be received by 4:00pm SEVEN days BEFORE the Friday auction. This means the deposited funds MUST BE in the account of RealAuction by Wire Transfer or by ACH Debit by that date and time.
v. Terms of Sale – Balance Due:
· In-Person: Cash or Cashier’s Check for the EXACT AMOUNT made payable to SUMMIT COUNTY SHERIFF. Absolutely NO PERSONAL, or BUSINESS CHECKS accepted. Credit/Debit Cards, Business Checks, Personal Checks or Letters of Credit WILL NOT BE NOT ACCEPTED at any time. Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:00pm for payments
· Online: Balances can be paid online through the Sheriff’s Office Website ACI Official Payment Site. The Buyer MUST contact Sheriff’s Office to obtain a TRANSACTION ID # and Pay-Off Amount Due prior to paying online. Online Payments are formatted by E-Check Payments only. The buyer must have their bank routing and account numbers ready. A $2.95 non-refundable Service Transaction Fee will be charged per transaction made. The entire balance of the purchase price for Mortgage Sales, shall be paid to the Summit County Sheriff within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Order of Confirmation of Sale.
b. DELINQUENT TAX SALE: The deposit amount for each Delinquent Tax Sale case is $1,000.00. This is listed on the Sheriff’s Website and on our RealAuction website.
i. Delinquent Tax Sales are held on our RealAuction website. Minimum deposit of $1,000.00 per property must be at RealAuction prior to bidding.
ii. Terms of Sale – Deposits: Minimum deposit of $1,000.00 per property, must be at RealAuction prior to bidding. Wire Transfer Deposits must be received by 5:00pm TWO business days BEFORE the Friday auction. ACH Debit Deposits must be received by 4:00pm SEVEN days BEFORE the Friday auction. This means the deposited funds MUST BE in the account of RealAuction by Wire Transfer or by ACH Debit by that date and time.
iii. Terms of Sale – Balance Due:
· In-Person: Cash or Cashier’s Check for the EXACT AMOUNT made payable to SUMMIT COUNTY SHERIFF. Absolutely NO PERSONAL, or BUSINESS CHECKS accepted. Credit/Debit Cards, Business Checks, Personal Checks or Letters of Credit WILL NOT BE NOT ACCEPTED at any time. Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:00pm for payments
· Online: Balances can be paid online through the Sheriff’s Office Website ACI Official Payment Site. The Buyer MUST contact Sheriff’s Office to obtain a TRANSACTION ID # and Pay-Off Amount Due prior to paying online. Online Payments are formatted by E-Check Payments only. The buyer must have their bank routing and account numbers ready. A $2.95 non-refundable Service Transaction Fee will be charged per transaction made. The entire balance of the purchase price for Mortgage Sales, shall be paid to the Summit County Sheriff within thirty (30) days of the filing of the Order of Confirmation of Sale.
Sales Online
All questions pertaining to the Online Sales Process, Bidding, and Deposits should be directed to RealAuction Customer Service at 1-877-361-7325 or
The purchaser (high bidder) will be notified by RealAuction at the end of the sale online and by email. RealAuction will submit the Purchaser Information Form to the Sheriff’s Office at the close of the Sheriff Sale.
Contact the Civil Bureau:
Phone: (330) 643-2278
Fax: (330) 434-2726
The Civil Division of the Summit County Sheriff’s Office is located at 209 S. High Street, Akron, OH 44308, on the Ground/Basement Level.
Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 7:30am – 4:00pm.
For in-person payments: Monday thru Friday 7:30am – 3:00pm
CLOSED Saturday, Sunday, and all legal holidays.